What Is Mediation?

What Is Mediation?

Mediation serves as a structured and collaborative process to resolve disputes, facilitated by a neutral and knowledgeable mediator. In this approach, the involved parties engage in discussions, aiming to reach a mutually agreeable settlement or outcome. The setting can be either an informal meeting or a scheduled settlement conference, and the dispute may either be already pending in a court or potentially one that could be filed.

Mediation proves effective in various case types, including commercial transactions, personal injury, construction, workers' compensation, labor or community relations, divorce, domestic relations, employment, and other matters not entangled in complex procedural or evidentiary issues. Although attendance at mediation conferences is generally voluntary for the parties, certain situations may be governed by statute, contract clauses, or court orders, necessitating participation.

As a knowledgeable mediator for the State of GA, I ensure an impartial and empathetic approach to foster open communication between parties, assisting them in finding common ground and crafting viable solutions. The goal is to empower individuals to actively participate in shaping the resolution of their disputes, promoting a sense of ownership and understanding among all involved parties. Through this process, mediation encourages amicable settlements, reduces strain on court resources, and contributes to a more harmonious society.